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Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo National Park

Lake Mburo national park is located in Kiruhura district, Western Uganda. It is one of the nearest national parks to visit from Uganda’s capital city Kampala. It was gazetted in 1933 as a hunting area and later upgraded as a national park in 1963. Most settlers around this park are Bahima and Banyankole pastoralists who in 1981 were expelled from the national park in 1983 as they were termed as invaders.

Lake Mburo National Park covers an area of 370 kilometers and has an altitude of 1,220m-1,828 m above sea level. It is also believed to have 13 lakes of which five are within the park borders. The national park boasts of over 350 bird species and over 70 mammal species, it is one of the national parks in Uganda where tourists are able to see wildlife of their own at their convenience.

Things to do in Lake Mburo National Park

Game drives in Lake Mburo National Park

Both day and night game drives can be conducted in Lake Mburo national park. Notable animals to see include impalas, zebras, leopard, hyena, Defassa waterbuck, hippopotamus, topi, jackals and buffalos among others.
On a night game drive, tourists are able to see Nocturnals like bush babies

Horseback Riding in Lake Mburo National Park

This is one of the popular activities here and is also the only national park where this activity takes place. During this activity, you get to explore the vast wildlife of the park as well as creating beautiful memories. This activity starts from Mihingo lodge, and it is one of the best activities to do on this national park as you explore beyond your expectations

Boat Rides

These are conducted on Lake Mburo. This gives the tourist the opportunity to see a lot of wildlife that come near the lake to quench their thirst on a hot afternoon as well as water animals like hippopotamus, king fisher, pelicans, cormorants and herons.

Bird Watching

For tourists interested in birds, Lake Mburo is one of the best areas for this activity. Tourists are always encouraged to carry with them a pair of binoculars so as to enjoy this great adventure. Birds include pied kingfisher, African wattled lap wig, Malachite kingfisher, Yellow breasted apalis, Black headed gonolek, Red faced barbet and Yellow rumped tinker bird among others.

Fishing in Lake Mburo National Park

This is normally done on the Lake Mburo and most fish caught include catfish, tiger fish and lungfish. Most tourists who are interested in this fishing trip are required to carry their own fishing equipment and should be having a fishing permit from the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA)

Community Experience

A trip to Uganda is always considered incomplete when tourists don’t make it a point to visit a Ugandan village and learn more about the different traditions and beliefs of the people of the Pearl of Africa. Therefore, in Lake Mburo, with the help of your guide, visit a neighboring local community mostly for Bahima cattle keepers as they take you through the milking, yoghurt and ghee making processes. Listen to captivating stories from the elders on how they have lived to practice and maintain their tradition over the years.


This activity is carried out by most tourists that are interested in sports. With the help of an experienced game ranger from the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), tourists do cycle in the park as they get to observe different animals grazing

Accessibility to Lake Mburo National Park


Lake Mburo national park is located approximately 260 kilometers from Uganda’s capital city Kampala and can be accessed either by bus or use of private means and a 4×4 wheel drive or safari van is recommended to make your journey to this park smooth


Both scheduled and chartered flights can be scheduled either in Kajansi airstrip or Entebbe international airport to Mbarara airstrip where tourists can be picked by their tour guides to the park.

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