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7 days Uganda safari

Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo valley national park is located in Karamoja region in Northeastern Uganda covering an area of 1,442 square kilometers with a rugged savannah dominated by 2,750 meters. The area is transected by Kidepo and Narus rivers. The valley floors lie between 3,000 and 4,000 feet. The park stretches up to the South Sudanese boundary at the extreme North of the park with Kanangorok hot spring as the most permanent water source.

Kidepo valley national park is one of the less travelled to national parks in Uganda but a visit to this hidden gem is worth it in a way that it is considered the national park with all the big five and ostriches. It is also managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, a body responsible for protection of all national parks in Uganda.

Things to do in Kidepo Valley National Park

A lot of activities can be done during a visit to Kidepo Valley National Park, and these include the following

Game drives

Both morning and afternoon game drives can be done in Kidepo valley national park on client’s convenience. These game drives are mostly carried out in the Narus valley. Animals that can be seen during the game drive include lions, hyenas, Oribi, cape buffalos, waterbucks, bar eared fox, Bohor reedbuck, dikdik, cheetah and elephants among others. During this game drive, it is always advisable to use a comfortable 4x4wheel drive or safari van with an open roof so as to make this experience memorable

Bird Watching

This is a great place for tourist bird lovers. Most notable bird species include verreux eagle, little green bee-eater, Abyssinian ground hornbill, Egyptian vulture, Hoopoe, secretary bird, kori bustard, red throated bee-eater, Fan fainted raven, Ethiopian swallow, Orange winged pytilia and Steel blue wydah among others. Tourists interested in birds are always encouraged to bring with them binoculars and good cameras for taking clear photographs

Cultural Encounters

Discover the unique history of the people of Karamoja region. It should be noted that Kidepo valley national park is inhabited by the Karamojong tribe. A visit to their cultural community is worth it as you get to understand the rich culture and reasons why they still observe it despite the diverse changes in Uganda’s cultures.

Karamojong is the only tribe in Uganda where their culture is still very pure. Consider the fact from having kraals around their homesteads as a sign of protection from the invasions and attacks from both people and wildlife. Traditional materials like stools, spears, beads and bangles are still maintained culturally hence unique in their own way

Hiking Mount Morungole

This is located near the border of Southern Sudan in a rugged semi-arid province of Karamoja. This is made possible with the help of an experienced ranger guide from the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA).Also explore the Lomej mountains with a guided walk as you enjoy the beautiful scenery of the surroundings. During this hike you will be led to the Ik people. The hike seems challenging but worth it at the end of it.

Accessibility to Kidepo Valley National Park


Kidepo valley national park is located approximately 580 kilometers from Uganda’s capital Kampala and can be accessed on an 8 hours’ drive through Kampala, Luwero, Gulu, Kitgum and then connecting to Karenga and enter the park. A 4×4 wheel drive or safari van is recommended.


Tourists who are not willing to travel on road for long can fly to Kidepo from Entebbe international airport. These flights are always scheduled and booking in advance is required and this is done with the help of your reliable tour operator.

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