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6 days chimpanzee

Kibale Forest National Park

Located approximately 350 kilometers from Uganda’s capital Kampala, Kibale Forest National Park is also known as the primate capital of the world due to its highest population of primates. It covers an area of 766 square kilometers with size ranging between 1,100 meters to 1,600 meters in elevation. Kibale forest national park was gazetted in 1932 and in 1993 it was established to protect a large area of forest.

It is also known as one of the last remaining expanses that consists of the lowland and montane forests. Kibale Forest National Park is mainly surrounded by two tribes that is Batoro and Bakiga migrants who came all the way from the Kigezi highlands and lived around the park.

Things to do in Kibale Forest National Park.

Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale Forest National Park

This is one of the tourists’ favorite activities to Kibale forest national park. It should be noted that this activity always begins with a briefing early morning at Kanyanchu tourism information center. As you trek through the forest with high expectations of seeing the chimpanzees, expect to see different primates like vervet monkey, grey cheeked mangabeys and L’hoest monkey among others.

Coming face to face with the chimpanzees is a memorable experience of a lifetime as you get to see them carry out their daily activities from nursing young ones, looking for food as well as grooming each other. Tourists should take note that after finding these chimpanzees they will be allowed one full hour with them.

Chimpanzee Habituation Experience (CHEX)

Chimpanzee habituation in Kibale forest national park is one of the wonderful experiences every tourist should not miss out on their trip into the Pearl of Africa. This activity is so wonderful in a way that here you are allowed more extended hours with these closest relatives of man say from the time they get out of their nests, start looking for food, grooming and nursing their young ones till the time they get back to their nests to rest.

Nature walks

These are conducted in Kibale national park, and this is all made possible with the help of a well-trained ranger guide from the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA). These nature walks start from Kanyancu tourism information Centre and a walk through this forest helps you to learn more about the forest and its species, for example on different trees used for medicinal purposes. These walks can be taken by both adults and young people especially those who are unable to track chimpanzees because of their age.

Bird Watching experience

With over 380 bird species in Kibale forest national park, tourists who are interested in bird watching find it so easy to do this activity. Notable bird species include the Great Blue Turaco, White napped pigeon, crowned eagle, Black bee-eater, Dusky Crimson wing, Yellow rumped tinker bird and Western Nicator among others. Research
Uganda prides itself at large for having Kibale national park because most students from different universities and other higher institutes of learning carry out their internships and research from here at the Makerere University Biological Field Station located in Kanyawara.

Bigodi Swamp Walk

This is a great opportunity to see other primates that you may have missed during chimp tracking. Notable birds can be seen during this walk for example Black eared ground thrush, Purple breasted sunbird, Green breasted pitta, Yellow rumped tinker bird, Dusky crimson wing, Blue Breasted Kingfisher and Black bee eater among others. Primates which can be spotted include grey cheeked mangabeys, vervet monkeys, red tailed monkeys, L’hoest monkeys, other animals like warthogs, civet cats and otters can be seen during the swamp walk

Cultural encounter

This involves visiting a community around the national park. During this visit, tourists get to understand the difference between the urban and rural setting in Uganda. Learn more about how people carry out their day to day activities and how they have managed to live in this area over the years with agriculture despite raiding from the animals coming from the national park. Tourists can also crown the day by tasting a local coffee from the village as well as tasting Uganda’s traditional meal.

When to Visit

Kibale forest national park can be visited throughout the year due to the fact that Uganda has a favorable climate.

Accessibility to Kibale Forest National Park


Kibale national park is located approximately 350 kilometers from Uganda’s capital Kampala and 30 kilometers from Fort Portal the tourism city.
Tourists who are not willing to use road transport can fly to Kasese airstrip where they can be picked by their tour guide and drive a short distance to Kibale Forest National Park.

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