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3 days Gorilla tracking

Cost of gorilla tracking Uganda

Cost of gorilla tracking Uganda; Gorilla trekking is carried out in only two national parks in Uganda that is Bwindi impenetrable forest national park and Mgahinga gorilla national park in Southwestern Uganda. A gorilla permit is one of the most essential items and is a must have for all tourists coming into the Pearl of Africa for gorilla tracking. The cost of gorilla tracking in Uganda varies depending on the origin of the visitor. For example, gorilla permits vary in prices depending on category and financial year that is from Foreign Non-Residents (FNR), Foreign Residents (FR) and East African Citizens (EAC).

As of July 2024, to June 2026, the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has set up gorilla permit prices as follows.
Foreign Non-Residents (FNR) will be required to pay USD800 per person, foreign residents will pay USD700 while East African Residents (EAC) will pay Uganda shillings 300, 000/= Tourists should take note that the above-mentioned rates for the mountain gorilla trekking permit apply to both Bwindi impenetrable forest national park and Mgahinga gorilla national park.

Tourists are always advised to book these gorilla permits with the help of a reliable tour operator and can only be got from the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) offices in Kampala. Uganda is a beautiful country also known as the Pearl of Africa and please feel free to visit at any time as well as recommending friends and family.

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