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Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park is located in Northwestern Rwanda covering an area of 160 square kilometers. It is bordered by Virunga national park in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Mgahinga gorilla national park in Uganda. Volcanoes National Park encompasses on five volcanoes that is Karisimbi, Sabinyo, Muhabura, Gahinga and Bisoke. It was gazette in 1925 and the purpose was to protect the rare mountain gorillas from poachers.

Things to do in Volcanoes National Park

Mountain Gorilla Tracking Volcanoes National Park

This is one of the major activities taking place in Volcanoes national park. Most tourists to the land of a thousand hills always have 99% chances of seeing these gentle giants in their natural habitat. Tourists should take note that before entering the park in search of these giants, the day starts with a briefing from the park headquarters in Kinigi. You will be required to follow all the park rules and guidelines concerning tracking. Later you will be led to the park with an experienced ranger guide on the search for these mountain gorillas.

The activity is always considered to be challenging as you pass through a rugged terrain, steep slopes but worth it at the end of the day. Coming face to face with these gentle giants is one of the most thrilling and wonderful experiences one should not miss on a trip to the land of a thousand hills. Gorilla permits in Rwanda cost USD1,500 and can be obtained directly from the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) with the help of a reliable tour operator.

Dian Fossey Tomb

Dian Fossey was an American primatologist and conservationist who is known for her extensive study of the mountain gorillas until in 1985 when she was murdered at her cabin by unknown assailants. She is well appreciated for her conservation efforts for example making mountain gorillas used to human presence. A hike to Dian Fossey tomb takes you to her base.

Golden Monkey Tracking in Volcanoes National Park

This is also done in Volcanoes national park and has become more popular over the years. It is so interesting and full of fun as you get to see the golden monkeys swing from one bamboo tree to another. Their appearance and color make it more interesting as individuals are led by a dominant male. Golden monkeys move in groups of over 100 individuals, and these are very flexible to track as they don’t go to high altitudes

Mount Bisoke Hike

This is an active volcano that straddles the border of Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This hike starts with briefing early morning before starting the hike. Tourists who are interested in doing the Bisoke hike should be physically fit as the activity requires a lot of climbing.

Visit to the twin Lakes

These are Burera and Ruhondo located between Musanze and Uganda Rwanda border. Tourists can embark on this visit after a remarkable gorilla tracking adventure in the Volcanoes and this can be crowned with a boat cruise on these lakes and islands such as Muhabura, Cuza, Bishosho, Munanira and Bushongo can be visited.

Ibyiwacu Cultural visit

Also known as the Gorilla Guardians village, this is the best way to sum up your tour to the Volcanoes national park. Tourists can visit this village so as to know more about the history of the people of Rwanda and how best they have preserved it to date. Take part in the traditional dance by the local people, visit the king’s palace as well learn more about the real typical African village, dressing code and food.

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